Concord Store

Concord spiritwear

Concord Spirit Store NOW OPEN!!!

Get geared up Concord!  The Concord Spirit Store is open ALL YEAR with purchases delivered 7-10 business days from order placement. New this year - you can customize your item color, item logo, and logo placement - so many options!!  Click HERE to order!

Concord Wildcat Spirit Wear (and super fun Holiday Gift Ideas!)

We've added several fun Edina/Concord items to our online spirit store in Membership Toolkit - check them out HERE!  Items include the infamous "In My Wildcat Era" tee, a super cute Edina logo'd tote bag (easy for the kiddos to tote their winter gear to/from school OR perfect for all those grocery runs!), some fun playing cards, a stadium seat (no more cold seat at football or hockey games) and more! Log into your MTK account to purchase and a PTO member will connect with you to coordinate pickup or delivery of your item(s).  Questions?? Contact Kelsey Johnson at


Support Concord by purchasing your labels from Mabel's Labels! (Enter Concord Elementary Edina and Concord will earn 20% back from all purchases!


The 23-24 school yearbook ordering deadline has passed.  There will be a limited number of yearbooks available for purchase when they arrive the last week of school.  Please contact: if you have questions about yearbook availability.