Online Directory
Didn’t get the email upcoming school activities?
Ensure your family’s information is correct in the School Directory!
The School Directory is a great way to for both parents and students to stay connected: help build on friendships from school, make that party or just touch base with another parent.
How do you get my family included in the school directory?
1. Go to:
2. Click the “Register/Login” button
3. Click “Create an Account” - make sure to use the same email address as your ID that you did in our old system My School Anywhere so your info will automatically load. Fill in the name, email, and set a new password.
4. Click "verify my email" and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
5. Once you have verified your email address, log back in at and finish the registration process in the 3 steps listed below.
Do Step 1: Click “Family & Student Information” fill in/verify & hit save button
Do Step 2: Click “Directory Publishing Preferences” fill in/verify & hit save button
Do Step 3: Click “PTO Fees 2023-2024” form link to pay your PTO related fees and to sign up free of charge to become a member of the PTO for this school year. Click add to cart button for each item and then click proceed to checkout button. Click pay now button and you can pay with credit card or Paypal.
Do Step 4: Click the optional “Donation ” form link to make an optional donation to other funds supporting Concord. Click add to cart button for each item and then click proceed to checkout button. Click pay now button and you can pay with credit card or Paypal.
What’s so great about the online directory?
It’s secure – your family has a unique login and password and the directory can’t be lost or stolen.
You can search by student’s first name, grade, teacher and family last name.
You can access the family directory from any Internet connected device: your computer, smart phone, iPad, etc.
Using a smart phone, you can send an email, send a text, make a call and map an address all with a simple click.
Is it secure?
YES! All data is stored behind secure firewalls and can only be accessed by authorized users with a validated username and encrypted password. All data is viewed and passed using SSL encryption.
**Please do not use the directory for business or solicitation purposes.